Saturday, May 31, 2014

John   de   Ruiter,    My   Testimony.


I   met   John de Ruiter  in 1999.   Unfortunately,  It   took  me  a  long  time  to realize  who  John de Ruiter  really  is.   After  a phenomenal  experience that occured when I was in his presence in 2010,  and after  lots of  unbalance and suffering,  I opened my eyes. 
I realized De Ruiter was not transparent  and  not  supportive. 
I admit  for a long time I was  hoping  he would be a great person  capable of  helping and guiding people to the truth.  But  I was  deluded,  and I was  wrong.

My  trip  in  February  2013.
I went to Edmonton, Feb-March 2013, and after I tryed to talk to John de Ruiter,  in the meeting and at the café,  I realized that John didn´t want to speak about what had happened to me 3 years prior   when  I was attending a summer seminar in 2010.
Or He knew something BUT HE DIDN´T WANT to speak about it. 
He was evasive.

When John at the café  told  me:  "-You didn´t need to go through that...", I realized that he just wanted to avoid the talk, he wanted to wash his hands of the situation.
When John told me: "-why don´t you let go of the experience.", he meant: we don´t need to talk about it.

I  put in question the integrity of John de Ruiter  based on the way he conducts himself to people and specially when someone is in need of help.
John de Ruiter  uses techniques and manouvers to confuse as a way of manipulating. He manipulates   people´s   mind in order to control  them  while charging lots of money. He is not a teacher but a business man in disguise.


IN 2000-2001   I went  through  lots  of  confusion.     Many signs,  energies  in  my  body   and events suggested to me that John and I were going to have a closer relationship.  I was having an intense teacher-follower relationship with John, energetically speaking. It was  tangible and powerful, at least for me. 
Some  times, I   found  myself  very   confused. I remained confused for some time in 2000-2001. John knew what was running in my mind from my notes and letters,   but he never responded.  He didn´t  help me to relieve my confusion.

Later on, in September 2010, he didn´t offer any help either in bringing orientation or clarity. John de Ruiter  is very  negligent and  irresponsible.  John de Ruiter is able to see when someone is going through feelings of love, or attachment, confusion  and  instability.  But he doesn´t bring any clarity.   John prefers to keep the confusion  among   people.  That way   people  will continue  paying  money  with  the  false  hope  of  finding understanding  one day. 



What is the real intention of John when he puts you down and under estimates your capacity of thinking and understanding? 

What is the real intention when he says you always have self importance?
Is he actually taking away your own power to discern what is true from what is not?
People around him are mesmerized so they can´t see what he is  doing.

Not understanding can be dangerous. When a teacher  or  guru   refuses to guide  or  to responde,  it can compromise the safety of that person  and  it can produce unnecessary pain. It could  also  provoke  an  act  of  self-harm.

Some leaders of this world  choose  to keep their people blind, submitted and subjugated, so the leader can have the control  on  them.

It is very clear that John de Ruiter is very skilful in deviating the conversation for his own convenience. If John doesn´t want someone to speak about certain subject, he eludes, avoids, and can be evasive. If you are in the questioner chair, De Ruiter  is able to erase the line of thoughts, to put your mind in blank, to change the direction and take control of the conversation.  Some people call it mesmerizing.


DE RUITER  technique  of  mesmerizing  during the meetings   includes  a combination   of  3 different   techniques: 
1)   Deep   yogi-kind  breathing;
2)   Intense  eye-to-eye  gazing in silence,  and
3)   low  and  sluggish  tone of voice.

Practicing  the 3 techniques together,  it creates  an electromagnetic field  in that place.  It´s  like putting  a bunch of people inside a huge pressure cooker,  not  within heat,  but within  a strong electromagnetic field  with   an    intense short  wave-length   vibration.

- The more he does it in one place,  the stronger the energy   (or energy field).  

- De Ruiter says :    "in Edmonton there is more depth...".
- The meetings are in a  closed  place.
- De  Ruiter  doesn´t move  for almost 3 hours.  
- He doesn´t want people to move either, during the meetings.
- The meetings are  slow  and mostly  in silence.
-  He  created   a self-image  of  being  automaton, infallible  and authoritative.   He  barely show  any  emotion.    And so,  people  fear him.

When  having an impact on the brain,  the mind starts  having  thoughts  and  beliefs  that  are not  TRUE.    Also,   De Ruiter  plays with  the psychology  of  the  people  to  make  them   dependent  on  him.


The objective of my trip to Edmonton, in March 2013, was to receive clarity and understanding from John de Ruiter about the experience I went through  in  2010.

One  more  time   De  Ruiter   didn´t help.  He avoided  the subject.   Later on  I  understood,  all on my own,  that  I was exposed  to so much energy in that 2010  summer  seminar  that I ended up  in a  psychotic state  and very much unbalanced.   A  deep  chemical  unbalance  had  occured  in my brain.   For some time  I was out of source,   hearing  voices  and believing strange things  that  were not true.    I was  also  fragile  and very confused.   I  was  believing I had  some kind of  mission  to accomplish.   De  Ruiter  did  nothing  to  bring  me  clarity.

I  had  previously informed  John about my   difficulties through  the  letters  I sent him.   I wrote to  him for  nearly  2 years, since the moment I left Edmonton (October 2010).   I didn´t receive any answer or  explanation.  He  avoided  the  subject. 

Once a friend  said to me:    "You had faith in John.   But John didn´t have faith in you".

After some time  I WAS ABLE TO SEE.

After a phenomenal  experience  and its subsequent   unbalance,   it takes time for the experience to sink and be integrated.   Then clarity and understanding  arises. 

I recovered all  alone.    It took   more than one year.   It wasn´t easy.   It was tough.  I went  through  lots   of   difficulty  and  depression.    

When I  regained  my balance, I found myself gaining clarity. 

I finally saw  that  De Ruiter is not there to help someone who is  in  need  of help, but to protect his profitable business.  His lack of support  (a talk, a call, an empathy, a guidance, or an explanation)   provoked   great amounts  of distress,  pain  and depression.    It was  the  ugliest  thing  I  ever  experienced.

I went  through  many  challenges and difficulties.  One of the  challenges  was fighting against depression.

John de Ruiter ´s  attitude is  not based on equality, fairness or  compassion.   What he shows to people   is   selfishness,  self-centeredness   and arrogance.   He is  dangerous.


""Our explanations must be guided by Truth. 
Truth cannot be adjusted to conform
to what we want to hear

Leonard Mlodinow

""Humans study science because we have an urge
to know how our lives fit into 
the greater scheme of the Universe. 
The answers are only edifying if they are true

Leonard Mlodinow


JOHN de RUITER  chooses to be unclear and puzzling. He creates an enigma around it. You find yourself trying to guess riddles.

John talks about   "-what you know"....,  so sometimes you think you know, but you don´t. 

John de Ruiter is not an embodiment of truth. His actions show evasiveness, lack of response, manipulation and ambiguity.   It is shown that his main intention is to keep the control, the power and his wealth. 

When  De Ruiter talks about his capacity and  ability  he can be an  arrogant  man


John affirmed he has X-Ray vision.  If that would be so, he would be more caring  and  understanding  towards people.

 Imagine the capacity of John de Ruiter of seeing  what is happening in a person   after working with people for more than 25 years. 

John de Ruiter knows very well that, after an intense  opening, there comes a state of vulnerability, fragility  and  even confusion.  The role of a person like De Ruiter should be to offer  support,  help  and  sincere   clarity.  

But,  he does the opposite:   He  keeps the confusion.


Intention means the purpose or attitude towards the effect of one´s actions or conduct.

If the Teacher has a tiny bit of unclean intention, then the process of openness of a person can  get  deviated  compromising  the safety and the right development of the individual.

Thoughts are energy.  Intention is energy. When the intention is unclean, the energy that is produced attracts the entities that match that energy.  The kind of intention attracts the entities that match that kind of energy.

We know that light, love, honesty, compassion, generosity and transparency belong to the same frame of energy.

However,  an unclean intention can match energies of greed, manipulation, selfishness, desire for power  and  vampirism.

The lack of clean intentions in a  individual like John de Ruiter, can put someone in danger after an intense opening due to deep confusion in his or her mind.   Without the proper guidance from a teacher or guru, darkness and confusion  can take over inside the space that was opened up and then misguide  the  person even to the point of self-harm. 

That is why I said: the levels of darkness I went through put me over the edge and close to acts leading to suicide many times.    It was not easy.   I went through  very difficult times.  I went through  deep loses:  a  big  lose of  money,  lose of friends,   and a  temporary lose of health.  John knew it from my letters I wrote  to  him  for  over  a year.   But he never responded. He didn´t care.

During 2012,  healing  and  integration took  place.   A whole  new  equilibrium was reached inside  me.    

Fortunately   now  I´m fine and with  better  judgment to see. 

John de Ruiter is not enlightened.

De Ruiter is not the  person he claims to be.  If he were  a person with  an expanded consciousness,  he wouldn´t  behave the way he does.   
A person of an expanded consciousness  should be someone who shows compassion,  consideration,   caring,  thoughtfulness,  and  humbleness.

De Ruiter is not enlightened.  He doesn´t embody Truth.   He doesn´t lead people to the Truth.    He is there just for  his own interest  and his own business.  He has  his favorites.   He is  partial.   He has a lack of consideration towards many people.

De Ruiter is very far from the Truth.    He uses and manipulates  people. He doesn´t  have a pure heart.

In the year  1999,   when  I met   John de Ruiter,    another  follower  called   Brian,  who moved to Edmonton  from Vancouver,  a  blond  long  hair  and  good  looking   guy,   who was  in  distress and depression,  committed   suicide  while being in Edmonton.     He moved  to  Edmonton  in hope  of  finding  help  from John.   I remember  when  Brian   once  told me,  in the  old  meeting building,  that he  was loving John  but he was  not  receiving  the support  or  balance  he was hoping  for.  After  he  lived  for  a few months   in  Edmonton,   I received  the news  he committed  suicide.   I  heard  he  threw  himself  from a  Bridge  into  freezing  waters.

What  would it  be  real  enlightenment ?
Nowadays   I  realize that    enlightenment    is   simply   to  BE  ABLE  TO  SEE  what  someone  is  doing  or not doing,   and his real intentions.
The mind is an instrument  that  allows us to understand,  to  discern    and  to  see  further.


This narrative is the product of  my own experience. 

I hope  this  can   offer  the  reader  some  help  and  insight.

Marian Vasquez


  1. Wow! Your strength and insight is an inspiration!

    I was raised by a master manipulator, my mother. I went through a majority of my adult life becoming attracted to manipulators of one kind or another. Finally, the cycle was broken and I began to heal.

    After that I began to study any and all forms of manipulation, NLP, hypnosis, influence, persuasion, coersion, cult activity and propaganda.

    The predators are out there. I'm glad you escaped and have the ability to help others get out.

  2. Marian
    You are projecting all your bullshit and neediness on John.
    You are a whiner and a weakling.
    Your story has so many holes in it, I won't even try to explain to you on how many points you are wrong and projecting.
    It is your responsibility to handle what life is throwing at you. Not John's...
    John is only a guide and a helping friend.
    Don't become a leach and get stuck on a Guru.
    Lear from him but don't get attached!
    And it is your responsibility to control your mind.
    Everything you have said is coming from your mind and it is deceiving you royally.
    "Don't believe anything, that you do not directly know the truth of."
    Including your minds interpretations of what John has done or hasn't done.
    Direct perception, without mental interpretation is the TRUTH.
    And that is what you know.
    Everything else is a lie.........

    1. Unknown, all non-profit$ make money. Donation$ (or tithe$) are the $eed money. Non-profits need only to "show" no profit, which they do, as those at the top take the most. This is the way of the world.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If what you say is try than prove it, tell us about the holes, show us examples of how Marian was worng instead of attacking her for saying what she thinks and feels.
      I've been following John's work for a couple of years now (a good friend is into him so I try to educate myself) and from my experience most of this blog is true..
      and besides that, do you think an enlighted man will cheat on his wife with to young followers? this man should be behind bars and not teaching others how to live..

  3. I never heard of this clown until reading the "Globe and Mail" piece on him this evening. A quick look at a couple of his Youtube videos and it's painfully obvious that this is a man so full of his own B.S. that it's a wonder it isn't spraying out of his ears.

    If you happen to believe for a nano-second that this space cadet knows the way, the problem isn't him, it's you.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about Brian. I remember him. I was just as lost and in pain, unable to help him. Hoping he would find some sort of handholds within his sovereign Self. Good thing that Soul and Life are Eternal.
    I'm sure he's fine, now. (& I'll make sure of it!)
    Thank you for telling your story.
    What happened in 2010?

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Brian. I remember him. I was just as lost and in pain, hoping he would find some sort of handholds within his sovereign Self. Good thing that Soul and Life are Eternal.
    I'm sure he's fine, now. (I'll make sure of it!)
    Thank you for telling your story.
    What happened in 2010?

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Brian. I remember him. I was just as lost and in pain, hoping he would find some sort of handholds within his sovereign Self. Good thing that Soul and Life are Eternal.
    I'm sure he's fine, now. (I'll make sure of it!)
    Thank you for telling your story.
    What happened in 2010?

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Brian. I remember him. I was just as lost and in pain, hoping he would find some sort of handholds within his sovereign Self. Good thing that Soul and Life are Eternal.
    I'm sure he's fine, now. (I'll make sure of it!)
    Thank you for telling your story.
    What happened in 2010?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am sorry for your difficulty and experience. I appreciate that you're willing to share your story. MORE people need to understand how John De Ruiter is both profiting off of his cult members, and how he is hurting others through his perversions. Your assessment of John De Ruiter is completely accurate. I am glad YOU became enlightened with regards to his level of manipulation, his sickness, his greed, and his lies. I know it's been a long time since you wrote this. I hope you are doing well and taking care.
